Thurnwald, Richard

Thurnwald, Richard

German ethnologist
born , Sept. 18, 1869, Vienna
died Jan. 19, 1954, Berlin

      German anthropologist and sociologist known for his comparative studies of social institutions.

      Thurnwald's views on social anthropology (cultural anthropology) grew out of his intimate knowledge of various societies gained during field expeditions to the Solomon Islands and Micronesia (190609 and 1932), New Guinea (191215), and East Africa (1930). Among his earlier ethnographic works is Bánaro Society (1916), dealing with kinship and social organization in a New Guinea tribe. Though he taught briefly at several prominent U.S. universities, his principal post from 1924 was at the University of Berlin, where he taught anthropology and sociology. In 1925 he founded, and for many years edited, the Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Soziologie (“Journal of Popular Psychology and Sociology”), later retitled Sociologus. He also edited journals of anthropology and comparative law.

      Thurnwald rejected the influential views on social anthropology of the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt and the French anthropologist Lucien Lévy-Bruhl and generally remained apart from the main currents of German social anthropology. He believed that comparisons of social institutions in different societies would reveal their differences and thus bring about understanding of the essential function of each institution. To establish sequences of historical development, he made comparisons of the structures by which analogous functions are accomplished in different societies.

      Thurnwald also explored the interrelation of technology with social structure and economy. One of his most fruitful concepts, superstratification, deals with changes resulting from the introduction of a new group forming the lowest stratum of a society. That concept led him into studies of feudalism, the early development of kingship, cities, and states, and Western colonial expansion. His works include Die menschliche Gesellschaft in ihren ethnosoziologischen Grundlagen (5 vol., 193135; “Human Society in its Ethnosociological Foundations”), Economics in Primitive Communities (1932), Black and White in East Africa (1935), and Aufbau und Sinn der Völkerwissenschaft (1948; “Structure and Meaning of Popular Knowledge”).

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