Thorláksson, Gudbrandur

Thorláksson, Gudbrandur

Icelandic bishop and scholar
born 1541, Stadharbakki, Ice.
died 1627, Hólar

      Reformation scholar and Lutheran bishop who was responsible for the successful implantation of Lutheranism in Iceland.

      In 1570 when Thorláksson became bishop of Hólar, a post he was to hold for 56 years, Protestantism, imposed on Iceland by Danish rulers, had only nominal acceptance. Versed in theology, natural science, languages, and mathematics, he began an energetic campaign to make the conversion actual by education and publication of religious works. In all he published 84 works, the most important of which was the Gudbrandsbiblia, a complete Bible in Icelandic, using Oddur Gottskálksson's New Testament. Much of the Old Testament he translated himself, and the work, published in 1584, adorned with woodcuts and ornamented initials, was a monument of literature and craftsmanship. Copies commanded the price of two or three cows.

      In 1589 Thorláksson published a new Sálmabók (hymnbook) intended expressly to compete with the ballads about trolls and heroes, and the songs of love and invective so popular in Icelandic tradition. He made a second attempt with the Vísnabók (verse book, 1612), an anthology including Catholic poems such as Liljapurged of elements incompatible with Lutheran orthodoxyand new Reformation verses. He introduced the Lutheran catechism in the schools and the first Lutheran prayer and service books. He also determined the geographic position of Iceland and made the best map of Iceland then known.

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Universalium. 2010.

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