Thiers, Adolphe

Thiers, Adolphe

French statesman and historian
born April 18, 1797, Marseille
died Sept. 3, 1877, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, near Paris
 French statesman, journalist, and historian, a founder and the first president (187173) of the Third Republic. His historical works include a 10-volume Histoire de la révolution française and a 20-volume Histoire du consulat et de l'empire.

Early life.
      Thiers was officially the son of a sea captain who married Thiers's mother on May 13, 1797, and deserted her four months later. Educated at first at the Marseille school that now bears his name, he studied law at Aix-en-Provence, where he met his lifelong friend, the historian François Mignet. In 1821 he went to Paris and became a contributor to the influential newspaper Constitutionnel. In January 1830 he helped found a new opposition newspaper, National, which almost openly advocated a change of dynasty should the reactionary king Charles X attempt to circumscribe public liberties. During the revolution of July 2729, 1830, which overthrew King Charles, he took refuge in a Paris suburb and returned on the 29th to win support for Louis-Philippe, duke of Orléans. He was rewarded by being made a member of the Council of State and was elected to the Chamber as a deputy for Aix-en-Provence.

Political career.
      Under the Orleanist monarchy, Thiers was undersecretary of state for the treasury (1830), minister of the interior (1832 and 183436), and minister of trade and public works (183334). During those years, he was the most notable representative of the Party of Resistance (conservative moderates). He mercilessly crushed all insurrections, in particular those of the legitimists under the Duchesse de Berry in 1832 and of the Republicans in 1834. Premier and minister of foreign affairs (1836 and 1840), in his second term of office his support of the Egyptian pasha Muḥammad ʿAlī almost led to war with England because of a conflicting Middle Eastern policy. Forced to resign by King Louis-Philippe's determination to avert war, Thiers nevertheless remained a leader of the resistance party.

      After the Revolution of February 1848, Thiers returned to the Assembly as a representative for Seine Inferieure. Though he helped elect Prince Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III) to the presidency of the Second Republic (1849), the two later became estranged. Exiled from 1851 to 1853, Thiers again became a deputy under the Second Empire and was originally one of those who favoured war with Prussia in 1870. During the war crisis, however, Thiers changed his views and became an opponent of the aggressive policy that he had previously advocated. This swing stood him in good stead after the French defeat in September 1870; he thus became the wise man who had foreseen the folly of pursuing such a policy without adequate military power. He was clever enough to remain out of the national defense government set up after the fall of the Empire (September) and thus had no responsibility for the final French surrender in January 1871. In February he was elected simultaneously for 26 départements and on February 17 becamechief of the executive power of the French Republic.” In August 1871 he became president of the republic. Thiers believed that France could be united under a conservative republic and tried to win the monarchist opposition over to this view. His first major task was to restore political order. In concert with the Germans, he ruthlessly used troops to defeat the Paris (Paris, Commune of) insurrection known as the Commune (MarchMay 1871), thus destroying for many years the strength of French Socialists and workers' movements. But even this did not win him the support of the monarchists, and in 1873 he resigned. Meanwhile, his financial skill had enabled France to pay off ahead of time the indemnity due the Germans. But his military law of 1872 failed to establish an adequate professional army and the five years' conscription period he introduced seriously depleted the labour force.

      Thiers joined the republican opposition in what was now a mainly royalist Assembly. He died suddenly in September 1877, at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, just outside Paris, while preparing an election manifesto.

      Thiers probably achieved greater power and wealth than any French politician of his time, but his ability was not greatly appreciated by those whom he served. His Histoire de la révolution française, which appeared in 10 volumes between 1823 and 1827, and his Histoire du consulat et de l'empire, published in 20 volumes between 1845 and 1862, made a notable contribution to the growth of nationalism in France. In addition, his effecting the return of Napoleon's body to France from St. Helena in 1840 fostered the Napoleonic legend. Of himself, Thiers fairly successfully promoted the image of an old, shrewd, and wise patriot, although, by those of left-wing sympathies, he was never regarded as anything but an inveterate enemy of social reform.

Jean Vidalenc

Additional Reading
Henri Malo, Thiers 17971877 (1932); and Charles H. Pomaret, Monsieur Thiers et son temps (1948), give an overly favourable interpretation of Thiers's work. A more balanced biography is Robert Christophe, Le Siècle de Monsieur Thiers (1966). R.L. Dreyfus, La République de M. Thiers, 18711873 (1930), also very favourable, provides an account of Thiers's policies during the first years of the Third Republic. The best studies on Thiers in English are the contributions of Charles Pouthas and J. Nere in the New Cambridge Modern History, vol. 1011 (196062). John Maudgridge Snowden Allison, Thiers and the French Monarchy (1926, reprinted 1968), remains an interesting study.

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