

Jewish scholar

flourished 2nd century AD

      Hellenistic Jewish scholar and linguist and author of a Greek translation of the Old Testament. According to two early Christian writers of the 2nd and 4th centuries, Theodotion probably came from Ephesus in Asia Minor. He is reported to have adopted the Jewish faith after having been a Gnostic. Early historians assign his work of translation to c. 180190.

      Theodotion's version appeared in the sixth column of Origen's Hexapla, a 3rd-century version of the Old Testament presenting six Greek and Hebrew texts in parallel columns. It is not so much an independent translation as a revision of the Septuagintthe earliest Greek translation, dating in part from the 3rd century BCsupplying its omissions. Peculiar Hebrew words are not translated but transliterated into Greek letters, either in order to avoid conjectural readings or to give an authentic colour to the version. The popularity of Theodotion's translation in the early church can be deduced from its fragments that fill gaps in the Septuagint text of Jeremiah and from its version of Daniel that replaces the Septuagint translation. It was quoted in the 2nd century in the Shepherd of Hermas and by the Christian apologist Justin Martyr. The replacement of Daniel was so thorough that only two manuscripts (one of about the 3rd century and one of the 11th century) of the Greek Old Testament contain the Septuagint version. Theodotion's version of Daniel may go back to an older translation. The extant manuscripts of the Theodotion text were published in 1875.

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Universalium. 2010.

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