Theodebert II

Theodebert II

king of Austrasia
born 586
died 612

      Merovingian king of Austrasia.

      Theodebert succeeded his father, Childebert II, on the throne of Austrasia in 595 while his brother, Theodoric II, mounted that of Burgundy. Their grandmother Brunhild exercised at first a joint regency over both kingdoms, but in 599 the Austrasian aristocracy confined her power to Burgundy. After early cooperation against their cousin, Chlotar II of Neustriawhom they defeated at Dormelles (near Montereau) in 600and against the Basques (602), the brothers fell out. When Chlotar attacked Burgundy in 605, Austrasia stood aloof, and in 610 Theodebert seized Theodoric by duplicity and extorted the cession of Alsace. Theodoric responded by alliance with Chlotar and invasion; capturing Theodebert, who was childless, he delivered him to Brunhild, previously exiled from Theodebert's court, who forced him to become a cleric and reportedly had him murdered.

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Universalium. 2010.

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