Tevfik Fikret

Tevfik Fikret

Turkish poet
pseudonym of  Mehmed Tevfik,  also called  Tevfik Nazmi 
born Dec. 24, 1867, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Tur.]
died Aug. 18, 1915, Constantinople

      poet who is considered the founder of the modern school of Turkish poetry.

      The son of an Ottoman government official, Tevfik Fikret was educated at Galatasaray Lycée, where he later became principal. As a young writer he became editor of the avant-garde periodical Servet-i Fünun (“The Wealth of Knowledge”) in 1896. Together with a group of the most talented young authors of the day, he published Turkish works and translations of European (particularly French) poems and stories until the publication was temporarily censored by the government in 1901, after which it failed to regain its impetus.

      In attempting to define a new literature, Tevfik Fikret and his contemporaries often wrote in an obscure style and in language containing many Arabic and Persian words not easily accessible to the average reader. Greatly influenced by the French Symbolist poets, he sought to adapt Turkish poetry to Western themes and verse forms. A lover of freedom, he became outraged at what he considered an oppressive government and finally took a teaching position at Robert College, then a U.S. institution. Afterwards he settled in his home on the Bosphorus, where he devoted the rest of his life to writing poetry and teaching.

      Among his most important works are two collections of poems, Rübbab-i Shikeste (1896, 1957; “The Broken Lute”) and Haluk'un Defteri (1911, 1957; “Haluk's Notebook”), the latter dedicated to his son; his famous anti-government polemic Sis (“Mist”) appeared in 1902.

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