

      city and port, southeastern Ghana. It lies along the Gulf of Guinea (an embayment of the Atlantic Ocean), 18 miles (29 km) east of Accra.

      By 1950 Takoradi and Ghana's older open-sea ports proved unable to handle Ghana's increased international trade. Construction of a second deepwater harbour was needed to specifically serve the eastern part of the country and the Volta River basin. Tema was chosen in 1951 for its proximity to the Volta and Accra rivers, its local supplies of construction materials for breakwaters, and its deep offshore waters that minimize dredging. Opened formally in 1962, Tema's harbour encloses 410 acres (166 hectares) of sea and is Africa's largest man-made harbour. There are 3 miles (5 km) of breakwaters, 12 deepwater berths, an oil-tanker berth, and a dockyard, warehouses, and transit sheds. A separate fishing harbour with cold-storage and marketing facilities is east of the lee breakwater.

      The government acquired 64 square miles (166 square km) of land north of the harbour and entrusted it to the Tema Development Corporation (1952). TheNew Townthat was subsequently built on the site was planned as an industrial-residential complex. There was a large influx of population beginning in the 1960s owing to the new employment opportunities, but the corporation was unable to construct housing and provide other services to meet the needs of this migration. The result was the creation near Tema in an area called Ashiaman of a large slum area consisting of shacks. The slum area has persisted despite building projects undertaken by the Tema Municipal Council. Pop. (2002 est.) 237,700.

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