

Hittite king
also spelled  Telepinus  
flourished 16th century BC

      last king of the Hittite Old Kingdom in Anatolia (reigned c. 1525c. 1500 BC).

      Telipinus seized the throne during a dynastic power struggle, and during his reign he attempted to end lawlessness and to regulate the royal succession. His stipulations, now called the Edict of Telipinus, form one of the best sources available for a study of the Hittite Old Kingdom. In his edict, Telipinus designated the pankus (a general assembly) as high court in cases of constitutional crimes. In the case of murder, even the king was subject to its jurisdiction. The initiative seems to have been successful, for the stipulations of the edict were generally observed until the end of the New Kingdom (c. 1400c. 1190 BC). Little else is known of Telipinus' reign, and historical records fail from his time until the beginning of the 14th century BC.

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