- tashlik
▪ Judaism(Hebrew: “you will cast”), traditional Jewish religious ceremony, still observed by Orthodox Jews, that entails visiting a body of water following the afternoon service on Rosh Hashana (or, if this falls on the Sabbath, the following day) and reciting biblical verses expressing repentance and forgiveness of sins. One verse includes the words “ . . . Thou wilt cast [tashlikh] all our sins into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19). The ritual at one time called for bread crumbs to be fed to fish to symbolize the wiping out of humanity's past iniquities.Contemporary Jews sometimes reflect this custom by turning their pockets inside out and brushing small particles into the water. Certain rabbinic sources interpret the ritual as guarantee of protection against the evil eye, while others interpret the custom as a reminder to God of the holiness of Isaac and his father Abraham, founder of the Jewish people.
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Universalium. 2010.