Tarakanova, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna
- Tarakanova, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna
▪ Russian adventuress
bynames Knyaginya Vladimirskaya (Princess of Vladimir), Fräulein Frank , or Madame Trémouille
born c. 1745
died Dec. 4 [Dec. 15, New Style], 1775, St. Petersburg, Russia
adventuress and pretender to the Russian throne who claimed to be the daughter of the unmarried empress Elizabeth (reigned 1741–62) and Count Aleksey G. Razumovsky.
She claimed to have been reared in St. Petersburg, but she was probably not Russian, and her origins and real name are unknown. She appeared in various cities of western Europe in the early 1770s and attracted several noble suitors. In 1774 she was convinced by émigré Polish rebels to pretend to the Russian throne. She thereupon claimed that she was Elizabeth's daughter and also that she was the sister of Y.I. Pugachov (who was then leading a rebellion in southeastern Russia), much to the disquiet of the reigning Russian empress, Catherine II the Great.
s erstwhile supporter,
Aleksey Grigoryevich Orlov (
Orlov, Aleksey Grigoryevich, Count),
discovered Tarakanova in Livorno,
seduced her,
and lured her aboard his ship in the harbour on the promise of marriage.
Once aboard Tarakanova was arrested and sent to St.
where she was imprisoned by Catherine in the Peter and Paul Fortress.
She died there without revealing the secret of her past.
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Yelizaveta Alekseyevna Tarakanova — Ce tableau peint en 1864 par Konstantin Flavitsky représente la légende selon laquelle la princesse Tarakanova fut tuée dans une inondation en 1777. En réalité, elle mourut deux ans plus tôt, en 1775. Yelizaveta Alekseyevna Tarakanova (1753 4… … Wikipédia en Français
Yelizaveta Alekseyevna Tarakanova — (1753 ndash; OldStyleDate|December 15|1775|December 4), was a pretender to the Russian throne who also styled herself Knyaginya Vladimirskaya (Princess of Vladimir), Fräulein Frank or Madame Trémouille.She claimed to be the daughter of Aleksey… … Wikipedia
Tarakanova — Yelizaveta Alekseyevna Tarakanova Ce tableau peint en 1864 par Konstantin Flavitsky représente la légende selon laquelle la princesse Tarakanova fut tuée dans une inondation en 1777. En réalité, elle mourut deux ans plus tôt, en 1775. Yelizaveta… … Wikipédia en Français
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Konstantin Flavitsky — La princesse Tarakanova emprisonnée dans la forteresse Pierre et Paul au moment de l inondation de 1777, tableau peint en 1864, Moscou. Konstantin Dmitriyevich Flavitsky (en russe Константин Дмитриевич Флавицкий) (13 septembre/25 septembre 1 … Wikipédia en Français
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