- Sulawesi Tenggara
provinsi (province), southeastern arm of Celebes, Indonesia. It is bounded by the Gulf of Bone to the west, the Banda Sea to the east and south, and the provinces of Sulawesi Selatan (South Celebes) to the northwest and Sulawesi Tengah (Central Celebes) to the northeast. Its area includes the islands of Wowoni, Butung, Muna, and Kabaena and the Tukangbesi island group in the Flores and Banda seas. Kendari is the provincial capital.The area was part of the Buddhist Śrivijaya Empire of Sumatra until the 14th century and of the Majapahit Empire of eastern Java until the end of the 15th century. The southern Celebes states of Makasar (now the city of Ujungpandang) and Bone (now Watampone) subsequently controlled the region, and the rulers of these and other smaller states on the island converted to Islam at the beginning of the 16th century. The Dutch established trading posts on the island in 1609. The emergence of rivalry between Makasar and Bone led to intermittent wars and the eventual defeat of Bone. In 1660 Arung Palakka from Bone rebelled but was defeated and took refuge on Butung Island off the eastern coast. The Dutch, in support of Arung Palakka, defeated the Makasarese state of Gowa. Arung Palakka became the ruler of Bone, controlling most of southeastern Celebes. He had extended his power over the other smaller states of the island by the time of his death in 1696. The 18th century was marked by continuing military rivalry between the Makasarese and Buginese states, with Dutch intervention in their wars. By the end of the century the Dutch had established colonial supremacy over Makasar and Bone. Temporary occupation by the British (1810–16) encouraged the state of Bone to rebel against the Dutch in 1825; this resistance was not crushed until 1860. Southeastern Celebes was occupied by the Japanese during World War II and was part of the state of East Indonesia created by the Dutch after the war. It was incorporated into the Republic of Indonesia in 1950.The Tanggeasinua and Mekongga mountains are parallel ranges in the northwestern part of the province, the latter rising to an elevation of 9,117 feet (2,779 metres) at Mount Mekongga, a volcanic peak. Rift valleys with steep sides are common. The low-lying eastern and western coastal margins are comparably narrow. The Lalinda, Lasolo, and Sampara are the major rivers and drain eastward. The offshore islands of Muna and Butung (to the southeast) have a general elevation of about 3,300 feet (1,000 metres). The uplands of the province are covered with dense forests of teak, pine, rattan, and oak; tall grasses, shrubs, and bamboo grow in the river valleys. The principal means of livelihood is agriculture, and the chief products include rice, sugarcane, and coffee. Resin, rattan, and timber are also important. Industries are wood carving, mat and basket making, food processing, printing, leather working, rice milling, and gold and silver filigree working. Inland transport is primarily by river. Kendari has an airport; other important urban centres include Lawow, Bone, Baubau, and Kolaka. The Buginese are the main ethnic group and account for most of the population. Area 24,079 square miles (62,365 square km). Pop. (2000) 1,821,284.
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Universalium. 2010.