

 in aerodynamics, the contouring of an object, such as an aircraft body, to reduce its drag, or resistance to motion through a stream of air.

      A moving body causes the air to flow around it in definite patterns, the components of which are called streamlines. Smooth, regular airflow patterns around an object are called laminar flow; (laminar flow) they denote a minimum of disturbance of the air by the object's motion through it. turbulent flow occurs when air is disturbed and separates from the surface of the moving body, with the consequent formation of a zone of swirling eddies in the body's wake. This eddy formation represents a reduction in the downstream pressure on the moving object and is a principal source of drag. Streamlining, then, is the contouring of an aircraft or other body in such a way that its turbulent wake is reduced to a minimum. The mechanics of airflow patterns lead to two principles for subsonic streamlining: (1) the forward part of the object should be well rounded, and (2) the body should gradually curve back from the midsection to a tapering rear section. An efficiently streamlined body thus takes on the look of a horizontally inclined teardrop shape.

      An aircraft or other body that is traveling at supersonic (supersonic flight) speeds requires a different streamlined form from that of a subsonic aircraft because it is moving faster than the speed at which the pressure impulses it creates are propagated in air. Because the pressure waves can no longer be transmitted ahead of an aircraft moving at supersonic speed, they pile up in front of it, creating a compression, or shock, wave. Further shock waves are created at the midsection and tail of the supersonic aircraft. The strength of these shock waves is dependent on the magnitude of the change in the air's direction, which in turn is dependent on the sharpness or angle of the forward tip and other surfaces of the aircraft's body. Supersonic aircraft thus have sharply pointed noses and tails and straight, narrow bodies to minimize the intensity of the shock waves (and attendant drag).

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Universalium. 2010.

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