Strasser, Gregor

Strasser, Gregor

German political activist
born May 31, 1892, Geisenfeld, Ger.
died June 30, 1934, Berlin

      German political activist who, with his brother Otto (Strasser, Otto), occupied a leading position in the Nazi Party during its formative period. His opposition to Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf)'s anti-Semitism and unwillingness to make broadscale social reforms eventually brought about Strasser's demise.

      Strasser was born into a Bavarian middle-class family. He joined the fledgling Nazi Party in 1920, and in 1923 he participated in Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch; during Hitler's subsequent imprisonment, he came to head the outlawed party. Strasser was an effective public speaker and a gifted organizer, and after Hitler's release he took over the party organization in northern Germany, was elected to the Reichstag (federal lower house), and soon built a mass movement with the help of his brother Otto and the young Joseph Goebbels (Goebbels, Joseph). The Strasser brothers appealed to the lower middle classes and the proletariat by advocating a socialism couched in nationalist and racist terminology; the Nazi gains at the polls after 1928 were partly due to their efforts. Although Otto became disillusioned and left the party in 1930 to organize the Schwarze Front (Black Front), Gregor remained with Hitler.

      By the early 1930s Strasser was head of the Nazi political organization and second only to Hitler in power and popularity. As leader of the party's left wing, however, he opposed Hitler's courting of big business as well as his anti-Semitism and instead favoured radical social reforms along socialist lines. He finally resigned his party offices in 1932. Hitler was able to avert large-scale losses in membership after Strasser's defection, and, after Hitler's accession to the chancellorship, Strasser lost almost all of his influence. He was murdered on Hitler's orders during the Röhm purge of 1934.

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  • Strasser, Gregor; and Strasser, Otto — born May 31, 1892, Geisenfeld, Ger. died June 30, 1934, Berlin born Sept. 10, 1897, Windsheim, Ger. died Aug. 27, 1974, Munich German politicians. The brothers joined the Nazi Party in the early 1920s. Gregor became the party s leader in the… …   Universalium

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