Stradella, Alessandro

Stradella, Alessandro

Italian composer
born April 3, 1639, near Viterbo [Italy]
died Feb. 25, 1682, Genoa

      Italian composer, singer, and violinist known primarily for his cantatas (cantata).

      Stradella apparently lived for periods in Modena, Venice, Rome, and Florence. In Turin in 1677 an attempt was made to murder him, for reasons that are not known, though it was believed to be at the instigation of a Venetian senator with whose fiancée Stradella had eloped. A document in Modena confirms his murder in 1682.

      Stradella was one of the finest composers of chamber cantatas, of which 174 survive, both secular and for religious observance (e.g., Christmas Cantata); his fresh, mellifluous melodies are frequently supported by harmonies bolder than are usually found in music of this period. Particularly interesting in his instrumental music is his novel application of concerto grosso texture to accompaniments of arias in some of his stage works and oratorios. Stradella's legendary life, embroidered from conjecture and scanty facts, was the subject of eight 19th-century operas and of at least one novel.

Additional Reading
Carolyn Gianturco and Eleanor McCrickard (compilers), Alessandro Stradella (16391682): A Thematic Catalogue of His Compositions (1991); Carolyn Gianturco, Alessandro Stradella (16391682): His Life and Music (1994).

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