Stirner, Max

Stirner, Max

German philosopher
pseudonym of  Johann Kaspar Schmidt  
born Oct. 25, 1806, Bayreuth, Bavaria [Germany]
died June 26, 1856, Berlin, Prussia

      German anti-statist philosopher in whose writings many anarchists of the late 19th and the 20th centuries found ideological inspiration. His thought is sometimes regarded as a source of 20th-century existentialism.

      After teaching in a girls' preparatory school in Berlin, Stirner made a scanty living as a translator, preparing what became a standard German version of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. He contributed articles to the liberal periodical Rheinische Zeitung, which was in part edited by Karl Marx (Marx, Karl). Later, Marx tried to refute Stirner's ideas, ironically calling himSankt Max” (“Saint Max”). His most influential work is Der Einzige und sein Eigentum (1845; The Ego and His Own).

      Stirner believed that there was no objective social reality independent of the individual; social classes, the state, the masses, and humanity are abstractions and therefore need not be considered seriously. He wrote of a finite, empirical ego, which he saw as the motive force of every human action. Writing chiefly for working-class readers, he taught that all persons are capable of the self-awareness that would make themegoists,” or true individuals.

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Universalium. 2010.

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