Stiller, Mauritz

Stiller, Mauritz

Swedish director
born 1883, Helsinki
died Nov. 8, 1928, Stockholm
 motion-picture director who during the early 1920s was a leader in the internationally preeminent Swedish cinema. He was influenced by D.W. Griffith's epic style and Thomas Harper Ince's integral use of landscape but most of all by the typically Swedish mysticism and passionate love of nature reflected in the novels of Selma Lagerlöf, many of which he adapted to the screen.

      Trained as a stage actor, Stiller acted in and directed his first film, Mor och dotter (“Mother and Daughter”), in 1912. The film made from the Lagerlöf novel Herr Arnes penningar (1919; Sir Arne's Treasure), with its pictorial beauty and intense characterizations, won worldwide acclaim as one of the finest Swedish silent films. It was followed by Erotikon (1920), a lighter, more cosmopolitan film, then by another screen version of a Lagerlöf novel, Gunnar Hedes saga (1922; Gunnar Hede's Saga), in which Stiller treated nature lyrically, as in the scenes of reindeer being driven into the mountains, a treatment repeated in Gösta Berlings saga (1923; The Atonement of Gösta Berling), from another Lagerlöf novel, his best known film.

      Because of the success of Gösta Berlings saga, he was invited to Hollywood in 1925, and the star of the picture, his young protégée, Greta Garbo, was also offered a contract. Stiller directed the films Hotel Imperial (1927), Woman on Trial (1927), and The Street of Sin (1927), before returning to Sweden in 1928.

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