Steen, Jan

Steen, Jan

Dutch painter

born c. 1626, , Leiden, Neth.
died Feb. 3, 1679, Leiden
 Dutch painter, ranked immediately after Rembrandt and Hals as a painter of everyday scenes. Steen is unique among leading 17th-century Dutch painters for his humour; he has often been compared to the French comic playwright Molière, his contemporary, and indeed both men treated life as a vast comedy of manners. Some of the artist's biblical and classical paintings such asAnthony and Cleopatra” (Kunstsammlung der Universität, Göttingen, Ger.) may have been inspired by the contemporary stage. His portraits of rhetoricians (Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels; Worcester Art Museum, Mass.) attest to his interest in these groups of amateur actors.

      Steen was enrolled at the University of Leiden in 1646 and in 1648 was one of the founding members of the Leiden painters' Guild of St. Luke. His early teachers seem to have been the historical painter Nicolaus Knupfer at Utrecht, genre and landscape painter Adriaen van Ostade at Haarlem, and the landscapist Jan van Goyen at The Hague. In 1649 Steen married van Goyen's daughter and settled at The Hague for the next few years. He moved to Delft in 1654 and to Haarlem in 1661. In 1670 he was back in Leiden, and in 1673 he married again.

      In Steen's landscapes, including his winter scenes, small earthy figures recall those of Adriaen and of Isack van Ostade. In his later works the figures are larger, less crowded, and more individually characterized. He shows them playing cards or skittles, or carousing in their cups, as inSkittle Players Outside an Inn” (c. 1660; National Gallery, London). His frequent use of inns probably reflects his own background as the son of a brewer and sometime brewer and tavernkeeper himself. He was a master at capturing subtleties of facial expression, especially in children. His best works display great technical skill, particularly in the handling of colour.

      During Steen's last years, his paintings began to anticipate the Rococo style of the 18th century, becoming increasingly elegant and somewhat less energetic, as in theSerenade” (c. 1675; Národní Galerie, Prague), and showing a heavy French influence and an increased flamboyance.

Additional Reading
Mariët Westermann, The Amusements of Jan Steen: Comic Painting in the Seventeenth Century (1997); H. Perry Chapman, Wouter Th. Kloek, and Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Jan Steen, Painter and Storyteller, ed. by Guido Jansen (1996), an exhibition catalog.

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