State Shintō

State Shintō
Japanese  Kokka Shintō,  

      nationalistic official religion of Japan from the Meiji Restoration in 1868 through World War II. It focused on ceremonies of the imperial household and public Shintō shrines.

      State Shintō was founded on the ancient precedent of saisei itchi, the unity of religion and government. Traditionally, the kami (gods, or sacred powers), the Japanese emperor, the citizens, and the nation were all considered descendants of common ancestors, and the prosperity of all was assured by coincidence between human politics and the will of the gods. But Shintō came to be dominated by Buddhism and neo-Confucianism, and the emperor was overshadowed by military rulers. Various efforts to restore Shintō and the emperor came to naught in the medieval period.

      Finally, in the midst of the complex social and cultural changes that accompanied Japan's modernization during the Meiji (Meiji Restoration) period (18681912), the government set about to institutionalize Shintō. It assumed control of the Shintō shrines, established a Department of Shintō (later changed to the status of a Shintō Ministry), and adopted restrictive policies against the other religions, including sect movements within Shintō. Though the 1889 constitution included a nominal guarantee of religious freedom, obeisance at Shintō shrines was considered the patriotic duty of all Japanese, a point of view in time adopted by Christians, Buddhists, and followers of Kyōha Shintō (q.v.). The administration of the country's more than 100,000 Shintō shrines was carried on by the government; Shintō moral teaching (shūshin) was made compulsory in the schools, and the divine status of the emperor was fostered by the political authorities.

      State Shintō was abolished in 1945 by a decree of the Allied occupation forces that forbade government subsidy and support to Shintō shrines and repudiated the emperor's divinity. The ban was continued in the postwar constitution. Most of the shrines previously administered by the government reorganized themselves as Shrine Shintō (q.v.).

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