Star Chamber, Court of

Star Chamber, Court of

British law
      in English law, the court made up of judges and privy councillors that grew out of the medieval king's council as a supplement to the regular justice of the common-law courts. It achieved great popularity under Henry VIII for its ability to enforce the law when other courts were unable to do so because of corruption and influence, and to provide remedies when others were inadequate. When, however, it was used by Charles I to enforce unpopular political and ecclesiastical policies, it became a symbol of oppression to the parliamentary and Puritan opponents of Charles and Archbishop William Laud. It was, therefore, abolished by the Long Parliament in 1641.

      Finding its support from the king's prerogative (sovereign power and privileges) and not bound by the common law, Star Chamber's procedures gave it considerable advantages over the ordinary courts. It was less bound by rigid form; it did not depend upon juries either for indictment or for verdict; it could act upon the petition of an individual complainant or upon information received; it could put an accused person on oath to answer the petitioner's bill and reply to detailed questions. On the other hand, its methods lacked the safeguards that common-law procedures provided for the liberty of the subject. Parliaments in the 14th and 15th centuries, while recognizing the occasional need for and usefulness of those methods, attempted to limit their use to causes beyond the scope or power of the ordinary court.

      It was during the chancellorship of Thomas Wolsey (Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal) (151529) that the judicial activity of Star Chamber grew with greatest rapidity. In addition to prosecuting riot and such crimes, Wolsey used the court with increased vigour against perjury, slander, forgery, fraud, offenses against legislation and the king's proclamations, and any action that could be considered a breach of the peace. Wolsey also encouraged suitors to appeal to it in the first instance, not after they had failed to find an efficient remedy in the ordinary courts.

      The court used the procedures of the king's council. Cases began upon petition or information. Depositions were taken from witnesses, but no jury was used. The punishments, which were arbitrary, included imprisonment, fine, the pillory, whipping, branding, and mutilation, but never death.

      The Court of Star Chamber retained its popularity throughout the reign of James I but during the 1630s began to attract opposition from the common-law courts, which saw Star Chamber as a rival; from the parliamentary faction that opposed Charles I's attempt to govern without Parliament; and from the Puritans, who were the most severely punished by the court. The Court of Star Chamber was used to enforce the increased number of Charles's royal proclamations, such as those against enclosures and sheriffs who refused to collect ship money. Considerable opposition against Star Chamber came from the gentry, who protested against the centralization of government and who were revolted by the use of the pillory and corporal punishment on religious dissenters, many of whom were gentlemen and who, therefore, would not have been subjected to such treatment in the common-law courts. Consequently, when the Long Parliament began sitting in 1641, one of its earliest acts was to abolish Star Chamber along with some of the other prerogative courts.

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