Stadion, Johann Philipp, Graf von
- Stadion, Johann Philipp, Graf von
▪ Austrian statesman
born June 18, 1763, Mainz, archbishopric of Mainz [Germany]
died May 15, 1824, Baden, near Vienna, Austria
statesman, foreign minister, and diplomat who served the Habsburg empire during the Napoleonic Wars.
After service in the imperial Privy Council (1783–87), Stadion was dispatched to the Austrian embassy in Stockholm. In 1790 he was sent to London, where he was influenced by the conservative philosophy of Edmund Burke and became a vigorous opponent of the French Revolution. To counter the subsequent march of Napoleonic France across Europe, he urged the formation of a union of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Ambassadorial missions that he undertook to Berlin (1801) and St. Petersburg (1803) led to the conclusion of an Austrian-Russian defensive agreement (June 1804).
Following the disastrous Battle of Austerlitz (
and the Treaty of Pressburg (
December 26),
Stadion was summoned to replace Philipp,
Count von Cobenzl,
as Austria'
s foreign minister,
primarily in order to prepare a war of revenge against the French.
Believing that Napoleonic France could be overcome only by arousing German nationalist feeling,
Stadion inaugurated a campaign of national awakening that was to be supplemented by political and social reforms.
The lack of response by the German states doomed his project,
with the resounding defeat of Austria by Napoleon in the Battle of Wagram (
July 1809),
Stadion resigned as foreign minister.
In 1813, with the fall of Napoleon imminent, Stadion led Austria to join the anti-French coalition of powers and served as Austrian plenipotentiary in the camp of the Allies. Charged with the direction of Austrian finances after 1814, he was appointed president of the exchequer that year and head of the Finance Ministry in 1816. He established an Austrian national bank and introduced a system of uniform land taxation.
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