Sphrantzes, George

Sphrantzes, George

Byzantine historian
Sphrantzes also spelled  Sphrantes  or  Phrantzes 
born 1401
died c. 1477, Corfu [Greece]

      Byzantine historian and diplomat who wrote a chronicle covering the years 141377.

      Sphrantzes rose to high office in the service of Manuel II and the later Palaeologan rulers, both in Constantinople and in the Peloponnese. In 1451 he was great logothete (chancellor) in Constantinople, and on its capture by the Ottomans he fled to Mistra (modern Mistrás) and then to Corfu (Kérkyra), where he and his wife finally entered monastic life (1468).

      His chronicle is probably what is known as the Chronicon maius (“Great Chronicle”). It was written for the Corfiotes and deals with the last years of the Palaeologi in Constantinople and the Peloponnese, and it shows marked aversion to the Ottomans and the Latins.

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