Sparks, Jared

Sparks, Jared

American publisher
born May 10, 1789, Willington, Conn., U.S.
died March 14, 1866, Cambridge, Mass.

      American publisher and editor of the North American Review, biographer, and president of Harvard College.

      Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard College, Sparks served as minister of the First Independent Church (Unitarian) from 1819 to 1823. From then until 1830, under his ownership and editorship, the North American Review became the arbiter of literature in New England. He was appointed the first professor of secular history at Harvard and served as president of the college from 1849 to 1853.

      He was the author of biographies of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Gouverneur Morris. He edited The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, 12 vol. (182930) and 25 volumes of The Library of American Biography (183448). Sparks believed that patriotism obliged him, when editing source materials, to omit passages likely to cause international ill will, and he sometimes embellished what the Founding Fathers had actually written. The exacting scholarly standards of a later age rendered much of his work obsolete.

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