Sombart, Werner

Sombart, Werner

German historical economist
born January 19, 1863, Ermsleben, Saxony, Prussia
died May 18, 1941, Berlin, Germany

      German historical economist who incorporated Marxist principles and Nazi theories in his writings on capitalism.

      The son of a wealthy landowner and politician, Sombart was educated in Berlin, Pisa, and Rome, obtaining his Ph.D. from the University of Berlin in 1888. He taught at the University of Breslau (18901906) and later returned to teach at the University of Berlin.

      Initially a supporter of Marxism, Sombart grew increasingly conservative and anti-Marxist. Nevertheless, his historical works on class and the evolution of society, most notably Der moderne Kapitalismus (1902; “Modern Capitalism”), show the influence of Marxist ideology, particularly in his methodological approach.

      Sombart's The Jew and Modern Capitalism (1911) refutes Max Weber's theory of the Protestant ethic, arguing that Jews introduced the spirit of capitalism into Northern Europe after being dispersed by the inquisition. At the time, he regarded Jews as a positive economic force, but his later writings reflect the anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime. In one of his last publications, A New Social Philosophy (1934), Sombart analyzed social problemsfrom the point of view of the national socialist [Nazi] way of thinking.”

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Universalium. 2010.

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