Solbad Hall

Solbad Hall

also called  Solbad Hall in Tirol, Hall in Tirol, or Hall,  

      town, western Austria. It lies along the Inn River just east of Innsbruck. A settlement grew up about 1260 around the nearby salt mines. Chartered in 1303, the city in 1477 was granted a mint, which after 1567 was housed in the Münzerturm (“Mint Tower”). The town retains its late medieval character, with narrow streets, quaint houses, and remains of the town walls and moats. Landmarks include the Gothic-style St. Nikolaus parish church (1281; extended 1436; rebuilt in the 18th century), the town hall (1447), the Stiftskirche (1507; the oldest Renaissance church in Tirol), the Damenstift (1566; a former nunnery), and the Fürstenhaus (1751). Solbad Hall is a spa with mineral springs. Its salt deposits are still worked. Specialized textiles are produced, and tanning and brewing are carried on. The town is also a market centre for the surrounding area. Many residents commute to Innsbruck for work. Pop. (2007) 12,424.

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Universalium. 2010.

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