

Japanese painter
also called Tenshō Shūbun
born 14th century, ?, Ōmi Province, Japan
died 1444, –48?, Kyōto

      priest-painter who was a key figure in the development of monochromatic ink painting (suiboku-ga) in Japan.

      His career represents an intermediate stage between the early suiboku-ga artists, who followed their Chinese models quite closely, and the later masters, many of them his pupils, who handled their materials in a thoroughly Japanese manner. Shūbun was affiliated with the Shōkoku-ji, a temple in Kyōto that was also the home of his painting teacher, Josetsu, and, later, of his most outstanding student, Sesshū. Shūbun became a professional painter around 1403, the year he went to Korea. After returning to Japan in the following year, he became the director of the court painting bureau, which had been established by the Ashikaga shoguns (family of military dictators who ruled Japan from 1338 to 1573), and, as such, used his influence to promote ink painting to the status of the official painting style.

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Universalium. 2010.

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