

Chinese painter
Wade-Giles romanization  Shih-t'ao,  original name  Zhu Rueji 
born c. 16381641, Guilin, Guangxi province, China
died probably before 1720

      Chinese painter and theoretician who was, with Zhu Da, one of the most famous of the Individualist painters in the early Qing period.

      Like Zhu, Shitao was of the formerly imperial Ming line and became a Buddhist monk; but unlike Zhu he seems to have led a life typical of his class and birth. Although he spent most of his life in Jiangsu and Anhui, he traveled extensively throughout China, and he knew a wide variety of learned individuals both inside and outside the Manchu court. He thus was very much the traditional Chinese gentleman, with little of the eccentricity that marked his older contemporary Zhu.

      His work, however, is as diverse in both style and interest as his life was; it merits the term Individualist for the extraordinarily expressive range of the paintings. He excelled in all genres, including landscape, bird-and-flower painting, and figure painting. In distinct contrast to his contemporaries known as the orthodox masters (e.g., The Four Wangs), he was far less tied to the imitation or inspiration of old masters; and, while he respected them, he saw ancient styles more as knowledge to be expanded upon than as material to be exploited. Shitao's independent spirit is also found within his theoretical writings, such as the Huayu Lu (“Comments on Painting”); he speaks ofa style of no styleand the importance ofthe single stroke.”

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