Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Irish playwright
baptized Nov. 4, 1751, Dublin, Ire.
died July 7, 1816, London, Eng.

      Irish-born playwright, impresario, orator, and Whig politician. His plays, notably The School for Scandal (1777), form a link in the history of the comedy of manners (manners, comedy of) between the end of the 17th century and Oscar Wilde in the 19th century.

Formative years
      Sheridan was the third son of Thomas and Frances Sheridan. His grandfather Thomas Sheridan had been a companion and confidant of Jonathan Swift; his father was the author of a pronouncing dictionary and the advocate of a scheme of public education that gave a prominent place to elocution; and his mother gained some fame as a playwright.

      The family moved to London, and Sheridan never returned to Ireland. He was educated (176268) at Harrow, and in 1770 he moved with his family to Bath. There Sheridan fell in love with Elizabeth Ann Linley (175492), whose fine soprano voice delighted audiences at the concerts and festivals conducted by her father, Thomas. In order to avoid the unpleasant attentions of a Welsh squire, Thomas Mathews of Llandaff, she decided to take refuge in a French nunnery. Sheridan accompanied her to Lille in March 1772 but returned to fight two duels that same year with Mathews. Meanwhile, Elizabeth had returned home with her father, and Sheridan was ordered by his father to Waltham Abbey, Essex, to pursue his studies. He was entered at the Middle Temple in April 1773 but after a week broke with his father, gave up a legal career, and married Elizabeth at Marylebone Church, London.

Theatrical career
      After his marriage Sheridan turned to the theatre for a livelihood. His comedy The Rivals opened at Covent Garden Theatre, London, in January 1775. It ran an hour longer than was usual, and, because of the offensive nature and poor acting of the character of Sir Lucius O'Trigger, it was hardly a success. Drastically revised and with a new actor as Sir Lucius, its second performance 11 days later won immediate applause. The situations and characters were not entirely new, but Sheridan gave them freshness by his rich wit, and the whole play reveals Sheridan's remarkable sense of theatrical effect. The play is characteristic of Sheridan's work in its genial mockery of the affectation displayed by some of the characters. Even the malapropisms that slow down the play give a proper sense of caricature to the character of Mrs. Malaprop.

      Some of the play's success was due to the acting of Lawrence Clinch as Sir Lucius. Sheridan showed his gratitude by writing the amusing little farce St. Patrick's Day; Or, The Scheming Lieutenant for the benefit performance given for Clinch in May 1775. Another example of his ability to weave an interesting plot from well-worn materials is seen in The Duenna, produced the following November. The characters are generally undeveloped, but the intrigue of the plot and charming lyrics and the music by his father-in-law, Thomas Linley, and his son gave this ballad opera great popularity. Its 75 performances exceeded the 62, a record for that time, credited to John Gay's The Beggar's Opera (1728), and it is still revived.

      Thus, in less than a year Sheridan had brought himself to the forefront of contemporary dramatists. David Garrick, looking for someone to succeed him as manager and proprietor of Drury Lane Theatre, saw in Sheridan a young man with energy, shrewdness, and a real sense of theatre. A successful physician, James Ford, agreed with Garrick's estimate and increased his investment in the playhouse. In 1776, Sheridan and Linley became partners with Ford in a half-share of Drury Lane Theatre. Two years later they bought the other half from Willoughby Lacy, Garrick's partner.

      In fact, Sheridan's interest in his theatre soon began to seem rather fitful. Nevertheless, he was responsible for the renewed appreciation of Restoration comedy that followed the revival of the plays of William Congreve at Drury Lane. In February 1777 he brought out his version of Sir John Vanbrugh's The Relapse (1696) as A Trip to Scarborough, again showing his talent for revision. He gave the rambling plot a neater shape and removed much indelicacy from the dialogue, but the result was disappointing, probably because of the loss of much of the earlier play's gusto.

      What Sheridan learned from the Restoration dramatists can be seen in The School for Scandal, produced at Drury Lane in May 1777. That play earned him the title ofthe modern Congreve.” Although resembling Congreve in that its satirical wit is so brilliant and so general that it does not always distinguish one character from another, The School for Scandal does contain two subtle portraits in Joseph Surface and Lady Teazle. There were several Restoration models (e.g., Mrs. Pinchwife in William Wycherley's The Country-Wife and Miss Hoyden in Vanbrugh's The Relapse) for the portrayal of a country girl amazed and delighted by the sexual freedom of high society. Sheridan softened his Lady Teazle, however, to suit the more refined taste of his day. The part combined innocence and sophistication and was incomparably acted. The other parts were written with equal care to suit the members of the company, and the whole work was a triumph of intelligence and imaginative calculation. With its spirited ridicule of affectation and pretentiousness, it is often considered the greatest comedy of manners in English.

      Sheridan's flair for stage effect, exquisitely demonstrated in scenes in The School for Scandal, was again demonstrated in his delightful satire on stage conventions, The Critic, which since its first performance in October 1779 has been thought much funnier than its model, The Rehearsal (1671), by George Villiers, the 2nd Duke of Buckingham. Sheridan himself considered the first act to be his finest piece of writing. Although Puff is little more than a type, Sir Fretful Plagiary is not only a caricature of the dramatist Richard Cumberland (Cumberland, Richard) but also an epitome of the vanity of authors in every age.

Political career
      Sheridan continued to adapt plays and to improvise spectacular shows at Drury Lane, but as a succession of acting managers took over the burden of direction his time was increasingly given to politics. His only full-length later play was the artistically worthless but popular patriotic melodrama Pizarro (1799), based on a German play on the conquest of Peru. Sheridan had become member of Parliament for Stafford in September 1780 and was undersecretary for foreign affairs (1782) and secretary to the treasury (1783). Later he was treasurer of the navy (180607) and a privy councillor. The rest of his 32 years in Parliament were spent as a member of the minority Whig party in opposition to the governing Tories.

      Sheridan's critical acumen and command over language had full scope in his oratory and were seen at their best in his speeches as manager of the unsuccessful impeachment of Warren Hastings, governor general of India. Sheridan was recognized as one of the most persuasive orators of his time but never achieved greater political influence in Parliament because he was thought to be an unreliable intriguer. Some support for this view is to be found in his behaviour during the regency crisis (178889) following the temporary insanity of George III, when Sheridan acted as adviser to the unpopular, self-indulgent prince of Wales (later George IV). He encouraged the prince to think that there would be a great majority for his being regent with all the royal powers simply because he was heir apparent. In the country at large this was seen as a move by Charles James Fox (Fox, Charles James) and his friends to take over the government and drive out Prime Minister William Pitt. Sheridan was also distrusted because of his part in the Whigs' internecine squabbles (179193) with Edmund Burke (Burke, Edmund) over the latter's implacable hostility to the French Revolution. He was one of the few members courageous enough openly to defend those who suffered for their support of the French Revolution. Indeed, Sheridan liked taking an individual stand, and, although he supported Fox in urging that the French had a right to choose their own way of government, he broke with Fox once the French became warlike and threatened the security of England. He also came out on the side of the Tory administration when he condemned mutineers who had rebelled against living conditions in the British Navy (1797). Much to Fox's disgust, Sheridan, although a Whig, gave some support to the Tory administration of Prime Minister Henry Addington, later 1st Viscount Sidmouth (180104).

      In November 1806, Sheridan succeeded Charles James Fox as member for Westminsteralthough not, as he had hoped, as leader of the Whigsbut he lost the seat in May 1807. The prince of Wales then returned him as member for thepocket boroughof Ilchester, but his dependence on the prince's favour rankled with Sheridan, for they differed in their attitude on Catholic emancipation. Sheridan, who was determined to support emancipation, stood for election as member from Stafford again in 1812, but he could not pay those who had previously supported him as much as they expected and, as a result, was defeated.

Last years
      Sheridan's financial difficulties were largely brought about by his own extravagance and procrastination, as well as by the destruction of Drury Lane Theatre by fire in February 1809. With the loss of his parliamentary seat and his income from the theatre, he became a prey to his many creditors. His last years were beset by these and other worrieshis circulatory complaints and the cancer that afflicted his second wife, Esther Jane Ogle. She was the daughter of the dean of Winchester and was married to Sheridan in April 1795, three years after Elizabeth's death. Pestered by bailiffs to the end, Sheridan made a strong impression on the poet Lord Byron, who wrote a Monody on the Death of the Right Honourable R.B. Sheridan (1816), to be spoken at the rebuilt Drury Lane Theatre.

      Assessment. Though best remembered as the author of brilliant comedies of manners, Sheridan was also a significant politician and orator. His genius both as dramatist and politician lay in humorous criticism and the ability to size up situations and relate them effectively. These gifts were often exercised in the House of Commons on other men's speeches and at Drury Lane Theatre in the revision of other men's plays. They are seen at their best in The School for Scandal, in which he shaped a plot and dialogue of unusual brilliance from two mediocre draft plays of his own. In person Sheridan was often drunken, moody, and indiscreet, but he possessed great charm and powers of persuasion. As a wit he delivered his sallies against the follies of society with a polish that makes him the natural link in the history of the British comedy of manners between Congreve and Wilde.

Cecil John Layton Price

Additional Reading
Thomas Moore, Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 5th ed., 2 vol. (1827, reprinted 1971), is indispensable. William Smyth, A Memoir of Mr. Sheridan (1840), is a brief but vivid account from personal acquaintance. W. Fraser Rae, Sheridan, 2 vol. (1896); and W. Sichel, Sheridan, 2 vol. (1909), are full accounts, printing much new material, but are not altogether reliable. R.C. Rhodes, Harlequin Sheridan (1933, reprinted 1969), provides a scholarly review of evidence about disputed passages in Sheridan's life; Lewis Gibbs, Sheridan (1947, reprinted 1970), gives a useful summary of accepted material. The Letters of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, ed. by C.J.L. Price, 3 vol. (1966), are mainly concerned with his life in politics and the theatre, but they also include some delightful ones to his second wife. Mark S. Auburn, Sheridan's Comedies: Their Contexts and Achievements (1978), analyzes the plays closely and discusses their writing and production.

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