Shariat-Madari, Mohammad Kazem

Shariat-Madari, Mohammad Kazem

Iranian cleric
also spelled  Muḥammad Kāẓim Sharīʿat-Madārī 
born 1905, Tabrīz, Persia [now in Iran]
died April 3, 1986, Tehrān, Iran

      Iranian cleric who, as one of five Shīʿite grand ayatollahs, was the leading representative of the clergy during the final years of the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. An early associate of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Khomeini, Ruhollah), Shariat-Madari helped establish Iran as an Islamic republic, but his more liberal views and his opposition to Khomeini's policies led to his loss of influence.

      Shariat-Madari studied in Al-Najaf (Najaf, Al-), Iraq (where he read under the most prominent Shīʿite scholars of the day), and then in Qom, Iran, where he met Khomeini. The two men began energetic campaigns to set up religious schools and support charities. Both opposed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's land reforms of the 1960s, which threatened the financial independence of the clergy, and Shariat-Madari supported Khomeini when he was accused of involvement in antigovernment riots. The Pahlavi monarchy forced Khomeini to leave the country in 1964, and during his colleague's exile Shariat-Madariwho had been elevated to the level of grand ayatollah (thus earning the status marjaʿ al-taqlīd [Arabic:source of emulation”] in 1962)—was the leader of Iran's Shīʿite community. After Khomeini's return in 1979, however, the two men were soon at odds. Shariat-Madarilong skeptical of cleric involvement in governmentfavoured a more democratic republic than that envisioned by Khomeini, and he also opposed the 1979 constitution, which was based heavily on Khomeini's view ofgovernance of the jurist” (Persian: velāyat-e faqīh). During the early years of the Islamic Republic, Shariat-Madari was supported by the Muslim People's Republican Party (MPRP)—a group especially strong in Shariat-Madari's native Azerbaijan provincewhich frequently clashed with Khomeini's Islamic Republican Party. In 1979 the MPRP staged a revolt in Tabrīz that Khomeini's supporters savagely put down, and soon afterward Khomeini ordered the MPRP disbanded. Shariat-Madari's political influence waned, and he was no longer able to challenge Khomeini's power. In 1982 Shariat-Madari was accused of complicity in a plot against Khomeini's life. Although he denied the charge, he was placed under house arrest andin an event unique in Shīʿite historywas stripped of his clerical titles.

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Universalium. 2010.

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