

Arab poet
      (Arabic:poet”), in Arabic literature, poet who in pre-Islāmic times was a tribal dignitary whose poetic utterances were deemed supernaturally inspired by such spirits as jinn and shaitans. As such, his word was needed to insure the success of certain tribal activities, particularly war, grazing, and the invocation of the gods. In times of intertribal strife, the satire (hijāʾ) was the shāʿir's most potent form of magic and equivalent to warfare itself.

      In later times, when the supernatural associations of the shāʿir diminished, he became the poetic spokesman for his tribe, obliged to praise its accomplishments and abuse its enemies. His art was highly developed and respected, and the more famous poets were surrounded by rāwīs (reciters) who memorized their verses.

      Muḥammad looked on the pre-Islāmic poets with suspicion, but, with the development of Arabic grammar and philology in the 8th century, it was their language of the desert that, once influenced by the Qurʾān, became the standard of classical Arabic literature.

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Universalium. 2010.

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