Shabestarī, Saʿd od-Dīn Maḥmūd

Shabestarī, Saʿd od-Dīn Maḥmūd

▪ Islamic mystic
born c. 1250, , Shabestar, near Tabrīz, Iran
died c. 1320, , Tabrīz

      Persian mystic whose poetic work Golshan-e rāz (The Mystic Rose Garden) became a classic document of Ṣūfism (Islāmic mysticism).

      The details of Shabestarī's life are obscure; apparently he spent most of it in Tabrīz. He grew up in an age of spiritual confusion, following the Mongol invasion of Iran, the sack of Baghdad, and the final fall of the ʿAbbāsid caliphate (1258) to the Mongols. Tabrīz was a capital of the new Mongol empire, and Shabestarī's life was clearly influenced by fierce doctrinal disputes and by a struggle between Christianity and Islām for the allegiance of the Mongol rulers. His work shows a clear acquaintance with Christian doctrines, probably as a result of these disputes. In order to come to terms with the distressed status of a Muslim under heathen rule, he, like many of his contemporaries, withdrew from the outer world and sought refuge in spirituality and mysticism.

      Shabestarī's Golshan-e rāz, written in 1311 or possibly 1317, is a poetical expression of his retreat from the temporal world. It consists of questions and answers about mystical doctrines. The work was introduced into Europe in about 1700; it soon became popular and was translated into German in 1821. European readers often regarded it as the major work of Ṣūfism, and it enjoyed a vogue among Christian followers of mystical theology who shunned ritualism and sought transcendental union with the Divine Being.

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Universalium. 2010.

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