Serlio, Sebastiano

Serlio, Sebastiano

Italian architect
born Sept. 6, 1475, Bologna [Italy]
died 1554, Fontainebleau, France

      Italian Mannerist architect, painter, and theorist, who introduced the principles of ancient Roman architecture into France.

      Trained by his father as a painter, Serlio went to Rome in 1514, where he studied architecture under Baldassarre Peruzzi, one of the initiators of the Mannerist style of architecture. With the sack of Rome in 1527, he fled to Venice, where he remained until 1540, when King Francis I of France employed him as a consultant in the building of the palace of Fontainebleau. Only two extant structures, however, can be attributed to Serlio: a doorway at Fontainebleau and the chateau of Ancy-le-Franc, begun in 1546.

      Although Serlio's buildings were not influential, his treatise Tutte l'opere d'architettura, et prospetiva (153775; “Complete Works on Architecture and Perspective”) exerted immense influence throughout Europe. It was translated into English in 1611 and into other European languages.

      The treatise was the first architectural handbook that emphasized the practical rather than the theoretical aspects of architecture, and it was the first to catalog the five orders. Serlio was also the first to incorporate illustrations into an architectural handbook, using drawings of Peruzzi and Bramante, as well as his own. Serlio's treatise was influential because it was a practical handbook of classical Greco-Roman style and presented a number of models for copying; it was fundamentally a set of illustrations linked by commentary rather than an essay on aesthetics or archaeology. Estraordinario libro, the last book of the treatise to be published in his lifetime, contained 50 fanciful designs for doorways, which were much copied in northern Europe and decidedly influenced the course of Mannerist architectural decoration.

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  • SERLIO, Sebastiano — (1475 1554)    Born in Bologna, Sebastiano Serlio worked in Rome for the architect Baldassare Peruzzi until the city was sacked in 1527 by the army of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. He then relocated in Venice, where he began writing a series of… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

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  • Serlio — Sebastiano Serlio (* 6. September 1475 in Bologna; † ca. 1554 in Fontainebleau) war ein italienischer Architekt und Architekturtheoretiker. Durch seinen Traktat Sieben Bücher zur Architektur wurde er zum einflussreichsten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sebastiano Serlio — (September 6 1475 ndash; c. 1554) was an Italian Mannerist architect, who was part of the Italian team building the Palace of Fontainebleau. Serlio helped canonize the classical orders of architecture in his influential treatise, I sette libri… …   Wikipedia

  • Sebastiano Serlio — (6 de septiembre de 1475 c. 1554 ) fue un arquitecto manierista italiano que formó parte del equipo italiano que construyó el palacio de Fontainebleau. Ayudó a clasificar los órdenes clásicos de la arquitectura mediante su influyente tratado… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Sebastiano Serlio — (* 6. September 1475 in Bologna; † ca. 1554 in Fontainebleau) war ein italienischer Architekt und Architekturtheoretiker. Durch seinen Traktat Sieben Bücher zur Architektur wurde er zum einflussreichsten Architekturschriftsteller des 16.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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