Schmidt, Wilhelm

Schmidt, Wilhelm

German-Austrian anthropologist and linguist
born Feb. 16, 1868, Hörde, Ger.
died Feb. 10, 1954, Fribourg, Switz.

      German anthropologist and Roman Catholic priest who led the influential cultural-historical European school of ethnology. He was a member of the Society of the Divine Word missionary order.

      Schmidt was early influenced by such anthropologists as Franz Boas and Edward Westermarck, but he was most profoundly impressed by the ideas of Fritz Graebner (Graebner, Fritz) on cultural diffusion formulated in the theory of Kulturkreise (q.v.). In 1906 he founded the journal Anthropos, which reported ethnographic field research by missionaries of his order stationed in all parts of the world, most notably in New Guinea and Togo, and became one of the leading journals in ethnology.

      Schmidt studied the evolution of the family and correlated different family types with subsistence patterns. He also suggested that even in small-scale societies the individual exerts an influence on community institutions. After World War I he attempted to apply Graebner's cultural-diffusion principle on a worldwide basis. He published extensively, addressing many of his writings on the family and social ethics to general readers. His major work is Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, 12 vol. (191255; “The Origin of the Idea of God”). In this and in his Ursprung und Werden der Religion (1930; The Origin and Growth of Religion), Schmidt maintained that most people around the world believe in a supreme being and that many religions outside well-known faiths such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam might correctly be regarded as monotheistic.

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Universalium. 2010.

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