Schimmelpenninck, Rutger Jan

Schimmelpenninck, Rutger Jan

Dutch statesman
born Oct. 31, 1761, Deventer, Neth.
died Feb. 15, 1825, Amsterdam

      Dutch statesman and leader of the Patriot Party who as councillor pensionary (raadpensionaris) ruled the Batavian Commonwealth (now The Netherlands) under Napoleon I from 1805 to 1806 and instituted sweeping fiscal and educational reforms.

      A lawyer in Amsterdam from 1784, Schimmelpenninck became active in the Patriot Party's committee of revolution in 1794 and headed the committee when it deposed the Dutch Republic's hereditary stadtholder, Prince William V of Orange, in January 1795. President of the city government in 1796, Schimmelpenninck also sat as an elected delegate to the first and second National Assemblies (179698) of the Batavian (formerly the Dutch) Republic. He led a group of moderate delegates who wrote a compromise constitution aimed at satisfying both unitarian (those favouring a unitary government) and federalist (those favouring a federal government) delegates.

      After the two extremist factions rejected the constitution, a coup d'état (June 1798) established a unitary government, and Schimmelpenninck was appointed ambassador to France (17981802), where he gained the confidence of Napoleon (Napoleon I). He then served as ambassador to Great Britain until the outbreak of war between Britain and France in 1803, when his efforts to maintain the republic's neutrality failed. As a man esteemed by Napoleon, he was sent back to France as ambassador the same year. When Napoleon imposed a change of government on the republic (1805) and it became the Batavian Commonwealth, he appointed Schimmelpenninck head of government as councillor pensionary. In one year Schimmelpenninck reformed the tax system, as well as the educational system, by granting recognition and aid to all parochial schools (Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish). In 1806, however, Napoleon removed him from office and transformed the Commonwealth into the Kingdom of Holland with his brother, Louis Bonaparte, as king. Schimmelpenninck retired from government (1806) but returned to public life when Napoleon made him a baron of the French Empire and appointed him to the French Senate (1811). After returning home in 1813, he served in the Dutch First Chamber (senate) from 1815 to 1821.

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