Scamozzi, Vincenzo

Scamozzi, Vincenzo

Italian architect
born 1552, Vicenza, republic of Venice [Italy]
died 1616, Venice

      Italian architect, architectural theorist, and stage designer of the late Renaissance.

      Trained by his father, Bertotti Scamozzi, he studied in Venice and Rome and traveled widely through western Europe. The classicizing influence of Andrea Palladio (Palladio, Andrea) and Sebastiano Serlio is evident in the palaces, villas, and churches that Scamozzi designed in Venice, Vicenza, Padua, and elsewhere in Italy. His designs for villas and town palaces, which were sometimes adaptations of buildings by Palladio, influenced English Neoclassical architecture from Inigo Jones onward.

      Scamozzi was also an important theatre architect who tried to integrate stage settings into the surrounding space. He completed Palladio's Teatro Olimpico in 1585, adding to it the model streets behind the doorways of the frons scaenae; these streets were constructed of timber and plaster on a raking stage and arranged so that each member of the audience could see into at least one of them. In the court theatre he designed at Sabbioneta (158890), the scenery was extended forward on the actors' stage to provide entry doors for the performers. Scamozzi was the author of one of the most comprehensive Renaissance treatises on architecture, the six-volume L'idea dell'architettura universale (1615), which exercised a wide influence in Italy and northern Europe.

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