

plant family
      the saxifrage family of flowering plants, in the order Rosales, comprising 36 genera of mostly perennial dicotyledonous herbs. The members are cosmopolitan in distribution but native primarily to northern cold and temperate regions. Members of the family have leaves that characteristically alternate along the stem and sometimes are deeply lobed or form rosettes. The flowers possess both male and female parts and four or five sepals and petals; they are generally borne in branched clusters and range in colour from greenish to white or yellow and from pink or red to purple. The fruit is a capsule with many seeds.

 Most of the cultivated species in the family belong to the genus Saxifraga (saxifrage, or rockfoil). Other well-known members of the familysuch as Heuchera (alum root, or coral bells), Astilbe (see photograph—>), Mitella (bishop's cap, or mitrewort), Lithophragma, Darmera peltatum (umbrella plant), Tiarella (false mitrewort), and Tolmiea menziesii (pickaback plant)—are often planted in rock gardens or as border ornamentals.

      Leaves of Astilbe philippinensis are used in northern Luzon, Philippines, for smoking. The rhizomes of Bergenia purpurascens are used in Chinese medicine to stop bleeding and to serve as a tonic. Tiarella cordifolia of North America is considered useful as a diuretic and tonic. Saxifraga sarmentosa, native to China and Japan, is used in Java, Vietnam, and various parts of China for earaches and other ear problems. It is also employed in China for attacks of cholera and to treat hemorrhoids.

      The family Saxifragaceae illustrates the entire range of adaptation to different moisture conditions. Saxifraga nutans is a true aquatic plant. S. pennsylvanicum is a bog plant, and S. micranthidifolia grows in cold mountain streams and on wet rocks. Other species are more or less adapted to dry conditions, among them S. tridactyloides, which stores moisture in small bulblike bodies on the stem (bulbils). Similarly, S. trifurcata has a strongly cuticularized epidermis, S. globulifera produces membranous bud scales and hairy stipules, and S. aspera stores moisture in its fleshy, heavily cuticularized, long-persistent leaves; all are examples of adaptations to dry habitats. In some, leaf rosettes are produced. The bases of the lower leaves in the rosettes are only weakly cuticularized, so that dew accumulating there may be absorbed by the leaves in sufficient quantity to enable the flowering shoot to develop.

      Species of the genus Saxifraga are known for their tenacious ability to grow and thrive on exposed rocky crags and in fissures of rocks. The name Saxifraga literally meansrock breaker.” Thus, saxifrages grow high in Alpine regions of the mountains of Europe, in places that are covered with snow and ice for long periods of the year. The plants have tough, wiry root systems and deeply penetrating taproots. In the same harsh environments, some saxifrages develop as cushion plants, involving a considerable reduction in leaf surface and a foreshortened shoot.

      Most Saxifragaceae species, however, grow in moist, shaded woodlands. Among these are species of Saxifraga, Astilbe, Rodgersia, Astilboides, Peltiphyllum, and Boykinia.

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Universalium. 2010.

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