Sautuola, Marcelino de

Sautuola, Marcelino de

Spanish geologist and archaeologist
died 1888, Santander, Spain

      Spanish amateur geologist and archaeologist who excavated Altamira Cave (named a World Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1985), near Santillana, in northern Spain, which contains the earliest known (c. 13,00020,000 BC) examples of Stone Age painting.

      Sautuola's attention was first drawn to the cave in 1875, when he found it contained large numbers of split bones and some black wall paintings. The bones were identified as belonging to the extinct giant stag, wild horse, and bison. He returned to the cave for further study in the summer of 1879. In addition to discovering fossil remains, including a skeleton of the giant cave bear, he found implements characteristic of the later Paleolithic Period and traces of black and dark-red pigments. Present with him one day was his 12-year-old daughter, Maria, who actually first sighted the famed coloured ceiling paintings in a side cavern, which came to be regarded as theSistine Chapel of Prehistory.” Sautuola had accurate drawings of the paintings prepared and published a book on this momentous discovery in 1880. Initially his findings were generally regarded with disbelief, the influential French prehistorian Édouard Cartailhac denouncing them as a fraud. Not until other similar paintings had been found in southwestern France (18951901) was Sautuola's contribution finally vindicated.

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Universalium. 2010.

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