Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō

Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō

JapaneseOne Truth of Sannō Shintōalso called  Ichijitsu Shintō , or  Tendai Shintō 

      in Japanese religion, the syncretic school that combined Shintō with the teachings of the Tendai (Tiantai) sect of Buddhism. Shintō-Buddhist syncretism developed from the Japanese concept that Shintō deities (kami) were manifestations of Buddhist divinities. The earliest of these schools, Ryōbu Shintō, was founded on the belief that Amaterasu Ōmikami, the chief Shintō deity, corresponded to the Buddha Mahāvairocana (Japanese Dainichi).

      In the Heian period (7941185), the Tendai sect established its headquarters outside Kyōto on Mount Hiei. Sannō (Japanese:Mountain King”), the mountain's kami, became identified with the Buddha Śākyamuni (Japanese Shaka), the principal figure of Tendai Buddhism. The Sannō Shintō school emerged, based on the Tendai belief in Buddhist unity. Thus, Shaka was identical to Dainichi, and Sannō to Amaterasu. Further interpretation of the Tendai teaching of theone truth” (ichijitsu) of the world resulted in Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō, in which Amaterasu became the ultimate source of Buddhist and Shintō unity. This school flourished during the Tokugawa period (16031867).

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