

Persian poet
pseudonym of  Abū al-Majd Majdūd ibn Ādam , also spelled  Abūʾl-Majd Majdūd ibn Ādam 
died 1131?, Ghazna [now Ghaznī], Afg.

      Persian poet, author of the first great mystical poem in the Persian language, whose verse had great influence on Persian and Muslim literature.

      Little is known of Sanāʾī's early life. He was a resident of Ghazna and served for a time as poet at the court of the Ghaznavid sultans, composing panegyrics in praise of his patrons. At some point he underwent a spiritual conversion and, abandoning the court, went to Merv (near modern Mary, Turkmenistan), where he pursued a life of spiritual perfection. He returned to Ghazna years later but lived in retirement, resisting the blandishments of his Ghaznavid patron Bahrām Shāh.

      Sanāʾī's best-known work is the Ḥadīqat al-ḥaqīqah wa sharīʿat aṭ-ṭariqah (“The Garden of Truth and the Law of the Path”). Dedicated to Bahrām Shāh, this great work, expressing the poet's ideas on God, love, philosophy, and reason, is composed of 10,000 couplets in 10 separate sections. The first section was translated in English as The Enclosed Garden of Truth (1910).

      Sanāʾī's work is of major importance in Persian-Islāmic literature, for he was the first to use such verse forms as the qaṣīdah (ode), the ghazal (lyric), and the manavī (rhymed couplet) to express the philosophical, mystical, and ethical ideas of Ṣūfism (Islāmic mysticism). His divan, or collected poetry, contains some 30,000 verses.

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Universalium. 2010.

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