San Gimignano

San Gimignano

      town, west-central Toscana (Tuscany) regione (region), central Italy. It lies about 20 miles (32 km) northwest of Siena. Originally calledCity of Silva,” it later took its name from the Bishop of Modena (d. 397), who liberated the town from a barbarian invasion. An independent republic in the Middle Ages, San Gimignano was dominated by two powerful, continually feuding families, the Ardinghelli (Guelf) and the Salvucci (Ghibelline). In 1352, its finances exhausted, the city placed itself under Florence.

      San Gimignano is rich in Gothic architecture and is one of the best-preserved Italian medieval towns, with city walls, gates, and 14 of its famous old towers remaining intact. These towers, characteristic of San Gimignano, once numbered 72; they were built by leading families vying with each other for prestige. Most of the towers fell because of insecure foundations. The town's most notable monuments are the Palazzo del Popolo (12881323), containing the civic museum and picture gallery; the Collegiata (the former cathedral, consecrated in 1148), decorated with numerous frescoes; and the church of Sant' Agostino (128098), containing frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli depicting scenes from the life of St. Augustine. The historic town centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1990. San Gimignano is an important tourist centre and is noted for its wines. Pop. (2004 est.) mun., 7,283.

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