

Ṣūfī religious practice
      (Arabic:listening”), the Ṣūfī (Muslim mystic) practice of listening to music and chanting to reinforce ecstasy and induce mystical trance. The Muslim orthodox regarded such practices as un-Islāmic, and the more puritanical among them associated the Ṣūfis' music, song, and dancing with drinking parties and immoral activities. The Ṣūfīs countered such attitudes by pointing out that Muḥammad himself permitted the Qurʾān (Muslim scripture) to be chanted and that the adhān (call for prayer) was also chanted in order to prepare for worship.

      Ṣūfīs maintain that melodies and rhythms prepare the soul for a deeper comprehension of the divine realities and a better appreciation of divine music. Music, like other beautiful things, draws the Ṣūfī closer to God, who is the source of beauty.

      Many Ṣūfīs have held that a true mystic does not lose himself in such forms as music but uses them only to bring himself into a spiritual realm, after which he must experience deeper meanings and realities. While Muslim fundamentalist legalists reproved samāʿ as an innovation (bid ʿah), some Muslim scholars held that it was a useful innovation since it might bring souls nearer to God.

      Many Ṣūfīs, e.g., the Mawlawīyah dervishes, combined dancing with samāʿ. Often Ṣūfīs requested that after their death there should be no mourning at their funerals, insisting instead that samāʿ sessions be held to celebrate their entrance into eternal life. The Ṣūfīs warned, nevertheless, that the full appreciation of samāʿ requires strong ascetic training. An individual must be pure in heart and strong in character before indulging in samāʿ; otherwise music and song would arouse his base instincts instead of elevating his spirituality. Some Ṣūfīs reject the practice of samāʿ altogether.

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Universalium. 2010.

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