Salandra, Antonio

Salandra, Antonio

premier of Italy
born Aug. 13, 1853, Troia, Puglia, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies [Italy]
died Dec. 9, 1931, Rome

      Italian statesman who was premier at the beginning of World War I (191416).

      Salandra was educated in law and taught public administration at the University of Rome before entering politics. A member of a wealthy family and a conservative, he rose to become minister of agriculture in 1899 and finance minister in 1906 and again in 190910. He became premier in March 1914 and so was confronted with a critical decision on the outbreak of World War I in July. Despite the generation-old Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, Salandra chose neutrality, taking for legal ground the failure of the Austrians to consult the Italian government before their attack on Serbia. Salandra then used Italy's strong position to bargain with both sides, at length bringing his country into the war on the side of the Allies in May 1915 on the basis of definite promises of the completion of Italian unification by acquisition of territory from Austria-Hungary.

      In 1916 Salandra was forced to resign as a result of Italy's growing military difficulties. After the war his authoritarian conservatism led him to support Benito Mussolini and fascism, but, when the extreme course of the new regime became clear, he modified his support. Nevertheless, Mussolini made him a senator in 1928.

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