Saguia el-Hamra

Saguia el-Hamra

      northern geographic region of Western Sahara, northwest Africa. Stretching between Cape Bojador (Bojador, Cape) and the de jure Moroccan border, its area is about 31,660 square miles (82,000 square km). After Spain withdrew from the country in 1976, the region was annexed by Morocco. The chief town is Laayoune; another major town, Smara (Semara), is connected by road to Laayoune. The climate is quite arid; precipitation is erratic and sometimes completely absent for many successive years. The indigenous population, entirely Muslim, is primarily nomadic; however, many departed to refugee camps operated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro ( Polisario Front) in late 1975 and early 1976. Settled population (2004 est.) Laayoune, 183,691; Smara, 40,347. Remaining population is nomadic and may number about 40,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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