

      city, Saarland Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies along both sides of the Saar River, near the French border, northwest of Saarbrücken. Founded and named by Louis XIV of France in 1680 and fortified (168086) by the military engineer Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban, it became the capital of the French Sarre province. The site of an important arms works in the Napoleonic era, it was ceded to Prussia in 1815, and the fortress was razed in 1889, although remnants survive. From 1936 to 1945 the town was called Saarlautern. Largely destroyed during World War II, it was rebuilt. Saarlouis is situated on the fringe of the Saar coalfield and once had important iron and steel works. Some steel products are still produced today; the industrial sector is dominated by an automobile plant. Chocolate is another product manufactured in the city. Pop. (2005) 38,250.

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