Różewicz, Tadeusz

Różewicz, Tadeusz

Polish writer
born October 9, 1921, Radomsko, Poland

      Polish poet and playwright, one of the leading writers of the post-World War II period.

      Having seen service during World War II in the underground Polish Home Army, Różewicz made use of his experiences in his first two volumes of poems, Niepokój (1947; Faces of Anxiety) and Czerwona rękawiczka (1948; “The Red Glove”). These works were notable for their lack of traditional poetic devices such as metre, stanza, and rhyme. In the 1960s he began writing plays, producing among others Kartoteka (1960; The Card Index) and Świadkowie albo nasza mała stabilizacja (1962; “The Witnesses, or Our Little Stabilization”; Eng. trans. The Witnesses and Other Plays). In a later play, Stara kobieta wysiaduje (1968; The Old Woman Broods, in The Witnesses and Other Plays), the title character speaks her monologues from her seat on a growing pile of garbage. The Survivor and Other Poems appeared in 1976; it was translated and introduced by Magnus J. Krynski and Robert A. Maguire. In addition to his plays and poetry, Różewicz was the author of novels, short stories, and works of nonfiction.

      Dealing with solitude, estrangement, and the existential situation of a poet, Różewicz's poetry, in particular, gradually evolves toward values whose implications go beyond the contemporary to the universal. Ultimately it expresses, in a simple, often metaphoric form, a concern with the moral issues inherent in the preoccupations and attitudes of modern society. In its simplicity the poetry is unlike Różewicz's dramas, which are filled with a sense of the absurd.

Additional Reading
Tadeusz Różewicz, The Survivor and Other Poems, trans. and introduced by Magnus J. Krynski and Robert A. Maguire (1976).

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