

former county, Scotland, United Kingdom
also called  Roxburgh 

      historic county, southeastern Scotland, along the English border. It covers an area stretching from the valleys of the Rivers Tweed and Teviot in the north to the Cheviot Hills in the southeast and the valley known as Liddesdale in the southwest. Roxburghshire lies entirely within the Scottish Borders council area.

      Numerous archaeological remains in the area include prehistoric hill forts in the valleys and later Roman camps, forts, and signal stations, as well as Dere Street, the Roman road running north from England. After the Roman withdrawal from Great Britain in the 5th century AD, Roxburghshire formed part of the Celtic British kingdom of Strathclyde. The Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria then held the region for four centuries until it was ceded to Scotland in 1018. David I designated Roxburghshire a shire. In the 13th century the ancient county town (seat) of Roxburgh was a member of the Court of the Four Burghs. The town was abandoned when the castle was destroyed and James II of Scotland killed in 1460; it was superseded by Kelso. Other towns in the locality were repeatedly burned during border warfare between the Scots and English, and the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, and Melrose were ruined in 154445. Abbotsford, near Melrose, was the last home of the 19th-century novelist Sir Walter Scott (Scott, Sir Walter, 1st Baronet), and the surrounding area is known as theScott country.” During the 18th and 19th centuries woolen textile manufacture expanded the county's economy, which had traditionally rested on livestock raising.

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