Rothstein, Arnold

Rothstein, Arnold

American criminal
born 1882/83, New York City
died Nov. 6, 1928, New York City

      American big-time gambler, bootlegger, and friend of high-placed politicians and businessmen, who dominated influence-peddling in the 1920s in New York City. He was the prototype for F. Scott Fitzgerald's character Meyer Wolfsheim in The Great Gatsby,the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919.” Rothstein allegedly masterminded the bribery in the Black Sox (Black Sox Scandal) baseball scandal.

      Born on New York's East Side, of a middle-class Jewish family, Rothstein in his teens was already involved in gambling and loansharking and, by the 1920s, had cultivated the friendship of politicians and businessmen as well as crime lords. He became the paramount fixer, one who acted as go-between in business contracts with the city, in the quashing of arrests, in extralegal permissions to operate speakeasies and other criminal enterprises, and in other bargainings that paid off politicians and police. He was also a banker for bootlegging and other illegal enterprises.

      Rothstein was independent, without a continuing gang, working for all ethnic gangstersJewish, Italian, and Irishand hiring them indiscriminately. His well-tailored, well-mannered, quiet look of respectabilitycontrasting with the garishness of such mobsters as Al Caponewould prove the model for later heads of organized crime.

      On the evening of Nov. 4, 1928, Rothstein was shot in a high-stakes poker game at the Park Central Hotel in New York City and died two days later in a hospital, without naming his killer. The trial of a suspect, Hump McManus, led to an acquittal.

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