Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio

Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio

Italian philosopher

born March 24, 1797, Rovereto, county of Tyrol, Austria [now in Italy]
died July 1, 1855, Stresa, Lombardy [Italy]
 Italian religious philosopher and founder of the Institute of Charity, or Rosminians, a Roman Catholic religious organization for educational and charitable work.

      The child of a noble family, Rosmini studied philosophy at Padua before being ordained in 1821. In his writing and activities in support of the Italian nationalist movement, he participated in a renewal of Italian philosophy, which, although it had little impact outside Italy, was of major importance there.

      Influenced by Maddalena di Canossa, founder of the Daughters of Charity, Rosmini in 1828 organized the Institute of Charity at Domodossola. Modeled on the Jesuit rule, the order required absolute devotion to the church and strict obedience to superiors; it was approved by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839.

      Rosmini's philosophical writings, beginning with Nuovo saggio sull'origine delle idee, 3 vol. (1830; The Origin of Ideas), embroiled him in theological controversies throughout his lifetime. His philosophy attempted to reconcile Catholic theology with modern political and social thought. The centre of his philosophical system is the concept of ideal being, which is a reflection of God in humankind; ideal being participates in eternal truth and is thus the indispensable means of acquiring, through the senses, all other knowledge. Besides serving as the supreme criterion of truth and certainty in logic, ideal being is also the basis of the concept of the dignity of the human person in law and politics.

      Rosmini welcomed the Italian nationalist movement, but he was strongly critical of its anticlerical and anti-Catholic tendencies. In 1848 he came into close association with Pope Pius IX, and after the outbreak of the Roman revolution he accompanied the pope into exile in November 1848. In 1849, however, two of Rosmini's works proposing ecclesiastical reforms were put on the Index of Forbidden Books. Rosmini submitted to the papal authority and retired to Stresa. In the year before his death, however, after further attacks and papal scrutiny, all of Rosmini's works were declared acceptable to read.

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