

      town and commercial harbour, Charente-Maritime département, Poitou-Charentes région, western France. It is situated on the right bank of the Charente River, 10 miles (16 km) from the Bay of Biscay. It has straight, regular streets and promenades running along the sites of its old fortifications. Rue Pierre Loti, a street named after the 19th-century French novelist who was born there, is located near the central Place Colbert, which is ornamented by an 18th-century fountain.

      Rochefort derives its name from a castle built on the banks of the Charente to resist Norman invaders. A small township grew around the castle in the 11th century, and the modern town was built in the 17th century, when Jean-Baptiste Colbert, minister to Louis XIV, established a military port and an arsenal there. The town was fortified and between 1696 and 1806 successfully resisted five attempts to destroy it. It was from Rochefort that the Marquis de Lafayette sailed to North America in 1780 to participate in the American Revolution—in which the fleet based at Rochefort also took part. Napoleon I stayed at Rochefort before surrendering to the English in 1815. The town was bombed during World War II.

      Rochefort has an important air force base and two specialized military mechanical and technical schools. It is a local administrative centre and has a small commercial port and yachting harbour. Local industries include the manufacture of plastic, wood, and metal goods, rubber boats, and aircraft components. The town has been developed as a spa (rheumatic, skin, and circulatory diseases) since 1953. Pop. (1999) 25,797; (2005 est.) 26,300.

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Universalium. 2010.

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