

Islamic literature
Persianquatrainplural  Robāīyāt , Arabic  Rubāʿī , plural  Rubāʿīyat 

      in Persian literature, genre of poetry, a quatrain with a rhyme scheme aaba. With the manavī, the rhymed couplet, it is a purely Persian poetic genre and not a borrowing from the Arabic, as were the formal ode (qaṣīdah) and the love lyric (ghazal). It was adopted and used in other countries under Persian influence.

      The most famous example of this genre known in the Western world is the robāʿīyāt of Omar Khayyam, in the version The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám translated by Edward FitzGerald.

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Universalium. 2010.

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