

guerrilla organization, Mozambique
byname of  Mozambican National Resistance , Portuguese  Resistência Nacional Moçambicana  

      guerrilla organization that sought to overthrow the government of Mozambique beginning in the late 1970s.

      Renamo was formed in 1976 by white Rhodesian (Zimbabwe) officers who were seeking a way to keep newly independent Mozambique from supporting the black guerrillas trying to overthrow the white Rhodesian government. These officers recruited disaffected guerrillas who had belonged to Mozambique's successful independence movement, the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) (Frelimo). The sponsorship of Renamo was soon taken over by the South African armed forces. Renamo opposed the Marxist-leaning Mozambican central government, and Renamo's guerrillas sought to disrupt the nation's economy and infrastructure by cutting railway and power lines, destroying roads and bridges, and sabotaging oil-storage depots. In their raids on towns and villages, the guerrillas sometimes engaged in the wholesale massacre of civilians. By the late 1980s, Renamo's insurgency had caused at least 100,000 deaths and the creation of more than 1,000,000 refugees. Mozambique's economy was brought to a standstill, and the government was unable to keep the country's railroad network functioning without the help of troops from Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Tanzania. A peace agreement was signed in 1992, and Renamo participated in multiparty elections after 1994. In 1999 Renamo formed a coalition of opposition parties, the RenamoUnião Eleitoral (Electoral Union) electoral alliance, and remained active in Mozambique politics into the 21st century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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